Style Provider

These components and functions are the primary way to create custom, theme-enabled, styled components. The main items you will likely use regularly are:

  • StyleProvider
  • createComponent
  • ThemeProvider
  • WithTheme


The style provider component powers the styling mechanism behind StyleProvider's createComponent. It is required to be a parent in any component tree that needs to leverage createComponent.

I am cyan
{() => {
    const StyledDiv = createComponent(
      props => ({
        background: props.background,
    return (
        <StyledDiv background="cyan">I am cyan


This is the how you will create styled components. The benefits of using this is that it will:

  1. leverage existing <StyleProvider> (read more)
  2. enable access to the theme used by the library
  3. provide consistent mechanism to style components
  4. provide component styling isolation and insulation from competing global styles

createComponent is a named export function that accepts 2 or 3 parameters and returns a renderable Component. The first parameter is a style rule and the second is the type of element. It will return a component. The style rule receives all passed props and theme.

Blue heading

Green heading

{() => {
    const styleRule = ({ color, theme }) => ({
      backgroundColor: color,
    const Heading = createComponent(styleRule, 'h3')
    return (
          <Heading color="rgb(173, 216, 230)">Blue heading
          <Heading color="rgb(144, 238, 144)">Green heading</Heading>

Pass-Through Props

createComponent returns a new component; meaning that the supplied props are not automatically applied to the underlying element. To pass props through to the underlying element, there is a third parameter that can be leveraged. You can provide an array of prop names to pass through to the underlying component. This is helpful to pass event handlers and other data attibutes to render on the underlying element.

Check console for logged click events

This header does not pass through onClick prop

This header **does pass through** onClick prop

{() => {
    const styleRule = props => ({
      backgroundColor: props.color,
    const Heading = createComponent(styleRule, 'h3')
    const ClickableHeading = createComponent(styleRule, 'h3', ['onClick'])
    return (
          <h2>Check console for logged click events
          <Heading color="lightblue" onClick={console.log}>
            This header does not pass through onClick prop
          <ClickableHeading color="lightblue" onClick={console.log}>
            This header **does pass through** onClick prop


A caveat with using Fela is that it is advised to not use shorthand CSS properties and instead favor longhand properties. To ease some of the burden of tying out longhand properties, there are a set of exported functions as utils. See the styleUtils.js source for more information on available style utility functions.

This has a custom padding and no margins

This has a custom padding and has margins

{() => {
    const styleRule = ({ color, hasMargins }) => ({
      backgroundColor: color,
      ...styleUtils.conditionalStyles(hasMargins, styleUtils.margin('1rem')),
    const Heading = createComponent(styleRule, 'h3')
    return (
          <Heading color="lightblue">
            This has a custom padding and no margins
          <Heading hasMargins color="lightblue">
            This has a custom padding and has margins

ThemeProvider Component

Inject a theme to be merged into the current context's theme for a sub-tree of components. Accepted theme prop is a function receiving the current theme and returns the portions of the theme to be updated.

It is not required to spread the old theme into the returned theme.

I use the blueTheme

I use the greenTheme

{() => {
    const blueTheme = () => ({
      backgroundColor: 'blue',
      color: 'white',
    const greenTheme = ctxTheme => ({
      backgroundColor: 'green',
    const styleRule = ({ theme }) => ({
      backgroundColor: theme.backgroundColor,
      color: theme.color,
    const Heading = createComponent(styleRule, 'h3')
    return (
        <ThemeProvider theme={blueTheme}>
          <Heading>I use the blueTheme
          <ThemeProvider theme={greenTheme}>
            <Heading>I use the greenTheme</Heading>

WithTheme Component

Provides internals of a component access to the the theme outside of the createComponent mechanism.

I am themed to have a darkgreen background

{() => {
    const theme = {
      backgroundColor: 'darkgreen',
      color: 'white',
    const styleRule = props => ({
      backgroundColor: props.theme.backgroundColor,
      color: props.theme.color,
    const ThemedHeading = createComponent(styleRule, 'h3')
    return (
        <ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
            {theme => (
              <ThemedHeading theme={theme}>
                I am themed to have a darkgreen background

WithRenderer Component

Provides a component access to the underlying Fela renderer.

import { WithRenderer } from '@versionone/components/StyleProvider';

const MyComponent = props => (
    {renderer => <span>I have access to the renderer</span>}


